
Simone Gori disegna ed illustra contenuti per editoria e pubblicità.
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Si occupa di progettazione grafica e pubblicità. Dipinge quadri. Insegna.
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61044 Chiaserna di Cantiano (Pesaro-Urbino) Italy.
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giovedì 1 aprile 2010

The Bremen Town Musicians

Illustrazione a tecnica mista.
Anno 2008.
Dimensioni 30,5 x 45,5 cm. (cad.)

Dog: Bow-wow! Bow-wow!
Donkey: What's wrong, Old Dog?
Dog: I'm old. I can't hunt anymore.
My master wants to kill me.
So I'm running away.
What am I going to do?
Donkey: Hmm... I'm going to Bremen.
I'll become a musician. Let's go to Bremen.
I'll sing. You'll beat the drum.
Dog: Bremen? OK. I'm going with you.
Cat: Meow! Meow!
Donkey: What's wrong, Old Cat?
Why are you sighing?
Cat: I'm old. I can't catch a mouse anymore.
My mistress wants to kill me.
So I'm running away.
What am I going to do?...

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